
I worked in a rehab facility, and the head therapist took me aside one day and asked if I was alright. I was not alright. I was trying to apply for graduate school, but our shifts at said facility were absolutely crazy and draining and my application materials were a wreck. I had applied the year before to ten

There’s no problem with it. In an ideal world, renting for profit is not legal, therefore housing markets are more reasonable. We don’t live in that world, and that’s not because of these two celebrities. Complain about the government that enables an unfair market, not about people trying to be decent despite it.

No, she’s really not Austen. And the actor who played her is brilliant but such an odd choice. She would have been a much better Anne Elliot, but no one is ever brave enough to take on Persuasion

The difference, for me, is that Rozema’s pulls in lines from Jane’s juvenilia and her letters and makes Fanny more of an Austen. It’s Frankensteined with love and thoughtfulness. Even the horse is named Shakespeare, which is a great nod to the theatrical themes that run throughout the novel. But the Keira Knightly Prid

I consider the whole movie highly acceptable sacrilege. 

I will tell you the kindest thing I’ve ever done for a stranger: I said the angelus in the middle of a coffee shop with him. This guy was old and obviously lonely and I wasn’t Catholic anymore, but he said how much he missed it, and he asked if I’d do it with him. The people in that coffee shop looked at us like we

We weighed Google vs. Zoom when we were putting our classes online, and Zoom was far and away the teachers’ favorite. That is because the share screen/annotation/breakout space features are much better. But if we were just meeting, Google would be fine (and easier to log onto for those who haven’t downloaded the Zoom

Agreed that Johnny Lee Miller is a bad, squinty Mr. Knightley but holy god did he knock it out of the park as Edmund (Edmund! ffs) in the Rozema Mansfield Park.

I would assume that loans cover tuition because multiple PT jobs are required to cover living and transit expenses in D.C. but am willing to be corrected on that.

underrated comment

I feel like normally this would be the End of the World for New Englanders, but I am in New England right now and most people are more concerned about the End of the World.

My suspicion is that he’s trying to make sure there’s not another toilet paper situation with the medicine. If you call the doctor with symptoms, they’ll probably tell you to get that stuff, but they don’t want people stocking up ahead of time and clearing out the shelves.

Once they have a line they can draw between who deserves it and who doesn’t, they’ll start moving that line.

That’s a good point. I’m trying to order some stuff from local businesses when I can, but I’d definitely spend more if I had that cushion. I’m convinced.

More videos with him, please.

I don’t have that much faith in people, but maybe!

That is a good point. I was just hoping to give more to people who truly need it more, but I see how that just slows it all down. Where I live, $1000 wouldn’t cover rent for more than one person.

Wait, ALL adults? That is a waste. I’m not exactly swimming in money, but I can work from home. Give more money to the people who lost some or all of their income.

I wonder if they ever bring it up. And what does that sound like? Do others within earshot comment on it? “Remember when Killary got mad at you for peeing on the floor? What an unreasonable psycho!” “Haha yeah.” Or have they just tacitly agreed never to speak of it again?

Maybe it’s improved since I bought it 10+ years ago? The cushion I have is pretty rock-like. I love it, though, I just never sit on it long.