
Yes, I get a messenger sprinting to my house to inform me that my opinions have curried favour and granted me sway with my peers. I pay him a farthing and he's off again. Have you registered your address?

Kill this show. Kill me. Kill us all. End this torment.

Much like my posts!

I am going to look 20 forever, Mac, because the older I get the more vigilant I become. I don't eat lunch anymore, for instance. And on odd days, I don't eat breakfast.

Bob always sounds a lot more tired than Archer to me.


Now I'm going down to Emmett's fix-it shop, to fix Emmett.

I'd rather they stuck to adding characters who have at some point been relevant in the last two decades.

I think Sanders has just found his running mate!

I can't wait for the Nintendo NX to be irreversibly bonded with my flesh and ascend me past the limits of humanity. I hope it has Splatoon 2.

The cinematography, set-pieces, acting, and environments of the Uncharted games are rightfully lauded, but in my experience they are incredibly frustrating, repetitive bores of games to actually sit down and play, with bullet sponge enemies, awful gunplay and no sense of skill progression. I've played two and a half

That was a nice trailer, but I do wish someone would help that wookie shouting in the background.

Oh, well. That was a real nice live action Green Arrow TV show we had once.

One of my fave bits is when Steven tells a lame joke about Pearl throwing a clock out the window to see time fly, and not only does she not get it, she's genuinely hurt that Steven would lie.

More like Stink-18Who?

Only after all his characters are dead will the curse be lifted, and he too can die.

An absence of George Lucas helps to allay my fears somewhat. And hell, maybe they'll have Ford be telling a story about some adventure he got up to, and we flash back to a new actor as the young Indiana Jones. And maybe I'll never get sick, or die, and I'll always be happy.

Hopefully this movie, unlike the events it depicts, won't bomb dramatically.

Wow, if that header image is anything to go by, season 3 of the Flash is going to be very different.

Lightsabres can work with one simple trick - prayer! Simply pray every night for one and surely our Lord will provide.