
Boy, I wish I were the president of Marvel Comics

"Is that all you've got, robot?"

Holy shit, my screen has MILLIONS of pixels!! Oh fuck oh fuck oh jeez

hey nerd! give me your lunch money!

Most of these bands would be woefully unsuitable to operate heavy machinery.

Electric Six and Nicki Minaj feat. Beyonce were the only ones to follow proper operating procedure by waiting for the signal to continue.

Now, my Woody Allen impression: I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls.

What, Captain Hollister?

More like Yoko Oh No! Am I right? Am I right folks? *spinning bowtie*

It completely ignores my intent of placing my brain in a robotic body to live forever before going berserk, firing lasers wildly into the crowd at the public unveiling of this radical new technology, running rampant through downtown Ontario before being taken out by the Canadian Mounted Police's new hypertank.

Gotham can go t ham.

What, you got something better to do? Like spend time with a girlfriend or something? *snickering*

So one of those Dinosaur Council creeps got to you too huh?!

Well I don't know about the rest of you, buy my bone can be found hanging betw-
*stage manager rushes on and wrestles the mic off of me*

The lack of the word vs. in the title indicates to me that instead of an action/horror affair, this movie will be a fish-out-of-water comedy about two characters who have to overcome their differences.

"People" is a strong term for what they are.

This is an inclusive community for those that identify as dry cleaners (cleankin)

Even worse is that one of his last actions as CEO was to apologise for this year's E3 direct.

I'm sad now.

Snow vampires?