
I snikt myself today,
To see if I still heal

Heh heh, 'ni'.

Boy, I can't wait for the Tron episode!

BBC - "Americans still struggling to catch up in biscuit technology."

You're my favourite correspondent.

A Nintendo-made Muppet game! That'll make us a million dollars! Get to it ladies and gents! *leaps out the conference room window*

Can you smell toast?


*panicky shouting* But what about Spider-Gwen?!

You're fired.

More like True Defective! Am I right folks? *spinning bowtie*

But those people would just go on to die in some other way. Basic rule of time travel.

horse tornado

Within the Nintendo Nexus. Captain Rainbow is an imperfect copy of Captain Falcon who was granted his own backstory, who goes around helping other imperfect copes of Nintendo characters such as Fat Little Mac.

This is what I do when I'm meant to be working.

I'm glad you asked!

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, the Oujia Table soul allows you to sit down to slowly recover your health. Which seems completely reasonable to me.

Next you'll be telling me those cats just have fur that makes them look like Hitler instead of being his tortured soul, doomed to reincarnate as a house pet forever.

You're welcome. You may like to know that my current hypothesis is that Nintendo games cover at least 6 separate universes (with one Pokemon multiverse that keeps splintering with the release of each new generation).