
@turimblar: Tinyumbrella just makes sure you can downgrade your firmware, not your baseband. As far as I know, there is no way to downgrade your baseband. So, if you're unlocked, and 4.1 has a baseband update and you take it through iTunes, you're basically boned.

Still waiting on a stealth car.

Thank you so much for this article. This is such an unbelievably frustrating thing.

@spider2544: They say no, and it's a much lesser dose of radiation than you get at the dentist, but the truth is that there is no "safe dose" of ionizing radiation. It instantly causes damage to your DNA- period. Good thing your body has lots of repair mechanisms for that sort of thing.

@Casse: You're nuts if you're making rock crafts out of microcline.

@BiggieShorty: No, it is a useful analogy for the purpose of discussion.

@hawkeye18: Congratulations, by catching a typographical error, you completely disproved every factual statement he made in his essay.

@watts300: Uh, what? Only one picture in that whole set has her holding that board anywhere but directly in front of her. I'm really not sure how that counts as flaunting her "stuff", or looking like a whore.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Sort of a mob mentality thing going. The people have smelled blood, etc.

@gr8wayn: This thing is not necessarily a permanent measure. The only way to guarantee that cap won't eventually pop off is to relieve the pressure somewhere else.

I was hoping for a Stargate joke.

Doesn't really work for me. Tried it with videos on The Escapist- they just never loaded. Tried it on non-mobile Youtube- videos just crashed Safari.

@iamthejae: That might be pushing it. I would consider calling an abacus a computer, though.

@DirtyDogg: Word. This is the very same exploit that we can now use to give ourselves root access on our own phones. If comex was a bad guy, he could have just gotten root access for himself, too.

@lantic: That works, too. :P

@iamthejae: Sure, absolutely. Wikipedia says that a computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data and information, and provides output in a useful format.