
Your guide to installing the PDF warner is a little unclear.

@olugbam: Um, I'm actually really glad they posted this. Now the PDF warner app has been brought to my attention so I could install it.

@iamthejae: A computer is a computer is a computer. This computer is running on a very different paradigm than we're used to. That doesn't make it any less of a computer.

@tyler.derden: Maybe if you type at 30 WPM normally. I don't see the keyboard going away.

@csl5049: No, they give one half to the voting worker and take the other half home with them to verify their votes online.

I used iDVD. I doubt they're going to remove that functionality altogether- perhaps it will be integrated into iMovie or something.

How excellent. I wonder how far this can go? What about things like buying an album from the iTunes Music Store, then downloading a copy of the album at a higher bitrate? Or buying a game and then downloading a No-cd crack?

@mricyfire: Field tests ARE important, and Apple does those too. For some parts of the development process, though, you're gonna need some good, quantitative data. To do that, you gotta eliminate variables.

@RuckingFetard: Potentially. You don't generally have people inside when you're running tests.

BP is more or less in the process of being hung, drawn and quartered for this mess already. I realize it might be enlightening to see if it is possible to actually hate the BP execs so much that they burst into flame, but at this point, shouldn't recovery be of top importance?

@Marvin Barnes' Time Machine: Your analogy would be better if this was actually the first time. This thing is almost just like the Ixtoc I spill, except deeper. Even after that happened, these guys managed to cut enough corners to cause this mess.

I think this would look better on a poster than on a T-shirt.

I want a video of this guy getting pulled over, the aforementioned cold beer in hand.

@danger the pirate: I... was actually asking about being able to use Hawking radiation to escape a black hole and "black hole hard drives". It was a polite way to ask for a source.

@deciBels: I'd love to read more about that if you've got a link.

I kind of like it, but I don't know if I would have put it in a beautiful forest. I like leaving things pristine. Still, looks like the view is spectacular.

Oh... it's talking about wormholes. "Einstein-Rosen bridges" are just a fancy term for "wormholes". It doesn't seem like this is a new discovery. The thing about these wormholes is that even if they are bridges to another part of this universe or even to another universe, you still cannot exit them. You would be able

Paper airplane races. That is all.

@Saboth: Actually, Dad and the other docs eventually just ended up getting T1 lines run to their houses from the office (which has a dedicated T1). It's about ten times faster, which still isn't saying much.