put your lips together and blow…
put your lips together and blow…
The happiest person today has to be Tony Stewart's publicist.
It stands as a deconstruction, and end of a Disney live action house style.
Sexy? No. The genre's sexuality exists mostly to reassure fifteen year old males that they aren't queer.
Treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality? Duh. It's AC/DC.
I sort of recall they were the ones that started Felicia Day in the Felicia Day business.
They called me out of the blue and offered two premium channels for $3 bucks a month.
Sony is a dumpster fire. They'll beat all the value out of the franchise, and then let the rights revert when they spin off the studio.
Walter Payton.
There were some beautifully shot shows as TV transitioned to color. This wasn't one of them.
Sounds like your family and friends would rather socialize with your exes, or worse, are trying to pair bond you off.
Nah. They were going for Lee Pace in a thin wet shirt.
I hate the Spider-Man.
Maybe it'll keep the music video interludes to a minimum. But probably not. Hey Joe, All Along the Watchtower, Wild Thing, Little Red Rooster, Star Spangled Banner….
I have a theory that Lee Pace realized this project was going to shit, and has been drunk the entire production.
I'm sure he's got a three picture deal, but whether they continue to be profitable it another thing.
Twenty Feet From Stardom.
steps over puddle of barf
If I just keep clicking refresh…..