
the trees suddenly exploding in violence

This strikes me as utter bullshit. He's openly trolling the GoT fanbase, and they have to sit there and take it.

First rule of the incentive program….

I don't give a shit if they were happy or not. Marriage comes with legal rights, like end of life decisions, and unless she was wailing on him with a chunk of garden hose, or burning him with cigarettes, those kids ought to fuck off and let their old man pass in peace.

Jean is the silicon infused bleach job, that was like a foot taller than him?

He's eighty-two and has dementia. He's pretty fuckin' far from okay.

Is that ABC finally admitting to the audience they draw (young & male), rather than the four quadrant fantasy they had for the show?

Sooo… hungry dragons, and the embittered gentry of the former regime. If she can't figure that one out….

I was wondering if the AV Club would even bother with a review. It looks like one of those direct to Redbox movies that mirror theater releases.

Oddly enough I was contemplating Tommy Lee's drum styling this very evening. As in, that dude's really tall and rangy, and looks like a giant spider on a kit. At fifty something it must hurt like hell to play a gig.

Good way to get killed by a booby trap. Listen to Sgt. Zack:
Dead man's nothin' but a corpse. No one cares what he is now.


The body count in Midsomer is staggering.

OK champ…..that's short for champion….

Agent Fitz should have smashed a sink off the wall.

Something like would be a better idea, but between the rights issues and the film wanks… what are you gonna do?

There are a bunch of actors that did guest roles and bit parts that went on to greater name recognition.

From the General Code of Operating Rules:

Yep - branded Netflix button, just like on the old smart TV.

I still shoot film when I'm making movies, but I shoot digital on a Canon 5D for still photography. The digital cinema cameras I don't think have caught up to film, but the digital stills have. - Wally Pfister