I think it's also serves to show the difference between Ragnar and Ecbert. Both are open to ideas that challenge societal status quo, but one allows it to be seen by his friends and subjects, the other tells Athelstan to keep his fucking mouth shut.
I think it's also serves to show the difference between Ragnar and Ecbert. Both are open to ideas that challenge societal status quo, but one allows it to be seen by his friends and subjects, the other tells Athelstan to keep his fucking mouth shut.
I read somewhere the Canadians didn't take SS prisoners as a matter of course. Which would make sense after that Caen story made the rounds.
By gawking you mean baitin'?
Check out the casting for the latest reboot….. a near 1994 level of yikes. There's just no way FOX can keep cranking out these critical and box office FF disasters. I'm pretty sure they're just shaking down Disney for a payout to return the rights.
Her best work has a bouncy, unrestrained quality.
I skipped to episode thirteen, (dumb luck, was the oldest on demand) but that's where the current arc begins.
Agreed. Skip to T.R.A.C.K.S
As long as they keep Jar-Jar in the stable…
Last I read, Weaving was telling Marvel to go fuck themselves.
He makes a good point. Sure there is some residual market from collectors, and as promotional tools for the latest blockbuster, but the industry was dead when they stopped making money with non-branded tables. Stupid Donkey Kong.
I don't recall the last pinball machine I saw in a bar. Mostly they're in pizza place and bowling alley game rooms. Even Golden Tee isn't ubiquitous anymore.
My take away? Paxton is totally going to be the next Red Skull.
She was totally a red hair-ing. Get it?!?!
Multicolored sausage casings. Why are they always cramming them into cocktail dresses?
My favorite moment was Raylan swallowing whatever he was about to say after Art thanked him.
Cue spinning transition and Bat fanfare….
For starters, a thirteen episode, first run cable series isn't really comparable to a thirty episode western. The cable market killed mini-series and made for TV movies, which are probably closer to the market space stuff like The Americans now occupy (and was provided by live teleplay during the Golden Age) .
Ass planet.
Post credit scene:
Sure…. we have a script.