Protestant Whiskey

This doesn't look good to me. I wish it did. I was a kid when all this went down and was totally into wrestling and GLOW intrigued me and sorta weirded me out at the same time. Honestly, I felt bad for the women. They were clearly there for my objectification, and seemed propped up to be scoffed at. Never set well

Thanks for reporting the real truth, @kevinpang. This is important.

Look, we're all just talking here, Chief. But, I wouldn't cook a prime steak for him well done if he came to my house to eat it. It's against house rules. And I don't even dry age!
That's it, it's March for Meat time, fella!

She's literally the worst. Of all time. Flames…on the side of my face…

Still do the hand in hair motion he did on "Werewolves…" every time. Perfect.

"JUMP (For My Love)" & "Both Sides Now' - LOVE ACTUALLY. Well, all of Love Actually songs, pretty on the nose.

I can sing while I read. I am singing and reading BOTH!
All time favorite.

That actually wasn't as terrible as I remember him being. And the in house crowd seems to love that dude. I never got it, never got why he was supposed to be funny, and he was brutal following Norm.

Yeah…that's not Charles Dance.

That's little Tommy Carcetti, brah

I get what you're saying about the leads, and I agree with Karen being bad. But Foggy grew as a character, and was a HUGE improvement over last season. The problem with Matt is that he was rarely Matt this season at all. He was DD the entire time, and they sorta did away with the whole Secret Identity / Alter Ego

I approve this message. I think they showed Frank as conflicted and complex, one character they actually did right by, crappy article/voiceover or no. And I agree with Foggy.

I was entertained by the season, generally. And I liked the fight scene on the roof. Not as much as when DD raged in Ep12, or the hallway and/or stairwell fight, or the Fisk fight. Yes, I know I'm mixing the seasons.

And now I get the privilege of imagining a collection of ninja buddies watching and critiquing the depiction of ninjas on a show where a blind guy dressed in a devil-horn hat beats up people. They're probably eating that Pizza Hut Big Box, too. Sometimes it's Pei Wei, but they're super picky about that, too.

I forget where we are in things: totally uncool to like this or been enough time to like it nostalgically?

And when they grab you with those metal claws, you can't break free. Because they're made of metal. And robots are strong.

I hear one of the characters gets amnesia, and there's a bit with a panther. Should help avoid the lull.

Here…you throw this away.

You're a knockdown shooter with great points on film castings. Way to go, Horny!

Rob Roy v Braveheart. Both of which I like for very different reasons (one of those reasons is 21 yo me when they came out), none of which is Jessica Lange's Pirate-Scotch-Irish accent.