Godspeed you to good health, Mr. Spatial.
Godspeed you to good health, Mr. Spatial.
For realsies, bro. She don’t even got none of them boobies, no?
Bizarre how they used Taylor Swift and Miranda Kerr as their prototypical western faces. Although stunning, these ladies have some of the most outlandish faces you encounter in western media. It’s like comparing cats and dogs, but only Chow-Chow dogs. Which are technically dogs.
What do you mean, “you can’t backtrack in”? Dishonored 2 lets you go freely where you want, right?
Why do only _some_ of Kotaku’s embedded videos support Chromecast? Consistency is whack, yo.
This video would actually be useful to me if it showed me the names of these games.
Isn’t this game just lemmings with only the bridge builder class?
But… how intelligent were you when you were born, and would you like a snack right before you die??
There is good naked, and bad naked.
This is pretentious to the point of absurd, but I’ll credit you some kudos for “battle royale with cheese”.
You didn’t even mention that Lukems used to write for this site! I miss that chowderhead!
Wasn’t Assassin’s Creed your favorite series?
I’m scrolling through the comments, and either Snapchat doesn’t allow screenshotting, or Kotaku readers don’t use Snapchat…
You already posted this a year or so ago, but it’s still fire.
As the Switch is region-free, shy don’t these people just order one online from a nearby country?
What was Cannon Fodder? (Not the game, of course.)
Why didn’t they just add extra doors to all the houses during that one quest?
The lead image for this story shows a nice laptop, then you go into some crap about opening the Facebook app?? How can I do this from a nice laptop??