Pretty sure Luke's speeder wasn't in any F-Zero game.
Pretty sure Luke's speeder wasn't in any F-Zero game.
I asked someone from Rare who worked on Goldeneye once about this… It was on Edge's old website… a Q&A interview thingy or something… He said it's all about the animation. So there. (I wish I saved a copy of that interview thingy.)
Isn't this from Notting Hill? Oh wait, must be the remake, innit!
Underdeveloped? It was a bit rough around the edges (even for BF standards), but it was incredibly well put together.
NSFW-tags are for pussies. THIS IS KOTAKU. (Next time, i can haz, plz?)
Ganbare. So Ganbare. So very, very Ganbare.
OHAXE? Why, yes, indeed.
I read EDGE mostly for their previews alone. They're awesome. The one for HAZE… wow. Made me buy the game even though I knew it sucked, AND I don't own a PS3! (Their reviews are boring, though.)
What?? Did you see that suit?? It's sooo shiny!
Whaaa… Excellent handheld you got there! Penguin is the best!
It's quite rare (part of an elusive collector's edition box), but you might find one on eBay occasionally.
You are cool, Mr. Gordon. Here, have some kudos.
That's what she said.
It might raise it, but certainly doesn't beg it.
So why would I want to play with permadeath on? I'm not a purist (nor a masochist), so I was really thinking of playing without it.
John's Phone is pretty damn cool.
You have no idea…
"'90s" . #corrections