Protector one

This guy should have a word-fight with Tim Rogers here on Kotaku. Armed with rhythm and sticky frictions, respectively. Fight!

Before reading this, I thought I was washing my hands a lot. Now I feel I'm not nearly washing then often enough. :P

I don't need to reply to your comment.

Hells yeah. I can't wait for the next Sin & Punishment to be released! (But I expect I'll get very good at waiting for it, eventually.)

1998? What was so great about 1998?

I would be overjoyed with just a single hour of Nascar a week… :(

"This time… it's Political."

Enemy Titan spotted overhead! :D

Sweet! Sign me up!

My dad used to say, "don't worry, it's just a little penicillin." :P

iOS?? But what about all those other systems! (Like Windows.) I want mono audio too! :(

By YOUR Powers Combined…!

It's probably just a statuette thrown around somewhere, like in the Gamecube Metal Gear.

Prey? Prey.

@KingKirby: Is anyone actually assuming this?

Definitely waiting for a price drop and a killer-app, but I secretly also hope I can hold off buying one until a hardware revision… (No idea what I'd want revised, but still.)

If you have a bit of coding skills, it's not too hard to combine multiple extensions into a single one. Reduced my Chrome extensions' memory usages by a factor of n. (Where n is the number of extensions installed.)

This is pretty? Really? Looks like something Patrick Bateman would wear whilst listening to Genesis. (And do other naughty stuff.)

Where's the jiggle? Where's the cross-eye?