Protector one

You know what this means, right? Soon, there will only be the simulations. War will be like a glorified LAN party.

Coding in that thing?? Without syntax highlighting, auto-complete, etc.? That's just silly. (Or masochistic.)


Did you mean "normality"?

I think I found a bug in Kotaku's CMS, because surely this post was written by Bash…

Helps you out, how?

Same here. I think I'll wait for the "complete edition" a year down the road.

These "let me show you them"-videos are getting longer every time… I wonder if Kotaku will have full walkthroughs a month from now.

With a vengeance.

Fishing line, screwdriver, rubber bands and a carabiner. Why? Because you'll find yourself needing them if you don't bring 'em. :)

Was really hoping it would be the "Revenge of the Nerds"-one. Love me some Lizzy Mcguire.

Hear, hear. Just today, I heard people at my work talk about a hacked version of Steam that supposedly allows you to download all games on Steam for free. Made me feel sick. We work at a god-damn software company, people! You're not just stealing; your steeling from your peers! /rant

KA-CHING! (Yeah, I don't have a credit card. YOU grow up.)

Yeah, I would like some facts on this. I, like Lifehacker, think the higher revs caused by engine breaking would increase fuel consumption, but you and many others disagree…

Do you think "the art of games" refers to the art in games?

Because PSN is down? Ohhh…snap!

It doesn't matter if it's good or not. Its release and impact were significant events in the history of video games.

He didn't abandon Nintendo at all. Q-games made Star Fox Command for DS, along with a set of DSi-ware games, including a sequel to X.

Excellent article. Bash in top form. :)