The middle button is for cleaning under-boob! Sexay.
This post has a fantastic leading image. Love the colors in the hammer!
@sgraff87: "There's a hat for that" is the new, "there's an app for that."
Even Cartoon Crecente's smile is brighter than a 1000 suns.
@Protector one: I wish I could De-mote this comment. I mean, it's not "bad", but it's just not worth the "in your face", "look at me!"- styling that comes with promoted and starred commenter comments.
"The 'duck face' ('ahiru guchi') Hirano is making is supposed to be cute. She isn't alone in doing it, and Japanese women have been making that face for the past ten or fifteen years!"
"UnSweetined"?? I guess Dukakis was her ghost writer.
@LameThrower: So once for every time you pirated the original? Ohhh, snap!
"Summer of Brian"? What's that?? Like Burning man, but with only guys in Bird Shirts named Brian?
"Good show! Coffee Time!"
"The Bottom Line
@Lamp: WTF is this voodoo!? That's amazing!
@FortWaba: So is urine!
@KuroiZero: Oh eff, this is a Double Post! Where is the "unpromote" button?
You've seen other things that include zombie monkeys and giant balls?? Zombie Monkey Ball confirmed!
Looks like those Ewoks have set up some elaborate traps, there.
Oh my! It was just last week I was thinking of making something like this myself for Kotaku! :D