Protector one

That bang video is really funny. You should all watch it! "He is death!"

Those first four links don't work, and "Oh, I Give Up Because I Am Out of Room" isn't even a Kotaku article title!

@Blastarr: He's more into film. I loved him in Moulin Rouge.

@RicoTheSaboteur: It wasn't Ewan McGregor, as we can see in that image.

I'm on a horse.

@Veit: The problem is the contemporary media has already latched onto the term "3D" in a big way, and isn't going to let go.

This new-fangled "3D" should get a new name. I vote for "Captain EO". Avatar 3D becomes Avatar Captain EO, 3DS Captain EOS, 3DO Company Captain EOO Company.

I always thought Weetabix was a brand of fast-hardening plaster, but apparently it's chucks of cork? That you can eat??

@Ratfuzz: Would be pretty freaky if I just had this laying around somewhere, no? :D

@Zak Canard: Awesome. I'd promote your comment if Bash hadn't taken my star away.

@Jon: I do wonder, do you write or draw these? If not, why the unfaltering endorsement?

@data_enabler: A strange game. The only winning strategy is not to play.

@Alias50: Major Fuckup. *Salutes*

@getlefty: It's safe to assume it can fit in your pocket.

@Nexus6: A usb-drive is hardly what I'd call "the jackpot..."

@RStormgull: It's like the last fight scene in The Matrix 3, but every Mr. Smith has a suitcase, and Neo is two nerds instead of one.

@SpungeUK: Har har har. I would so promote this comment if Bash hadn't taken my star away.

@strabes: Some people just like IE.