Swap Ocarina with Wind Waker. "Excellent!"
Swap Ocarina with Wind Waker. "Excellent!"
Not Boktai weather, then.
@High Speed Indeed: Heck no! I was like 6 or 7, so I got maybe 2 or 3 games a year. Took that thing back to the store immediately.
I had this with Super Mario Bros. 2! Box and cartridge said it was 2, but in actuality it was Super Mario Bros.
@Protector one: Found it yet? Guess not. Her Wikipedia page might help though. I'm guessing it's either on Petit or 11. [en.wikipedia.org])
On what album can I find this "Taiyo Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryote ni"? Stupid Amazon is no help; they just list every track as "[Japanese text]". :/
@chrollo0427: Heck yeah. The posts about Japan Bash did years ago are still my favorite Kotaku posts ever. I wish I had bookmarked them at the time. These ones about Shigureden were fine too. [kotaku.com]
@maythetechbewithyou: Make not biting your cuticles the new default, and cheer yourself on when it's working.
@Nxqd3051990: It's all about quality, not quantity.
@F0ntaine: Ef that... GTA! I'll have none of your new-fangled third dimension!
@Slagathorian: I was going to promote this comment, but alas, Bash took away my star.
I have mapathyathy.
@jotadeo: Sugar isn't real sugar??
@Murderdolls on 360: But why?
@Protector one: The lord giveth, and the lord taketh stars away... :(
@OTCIXS: For shame! And I even had a disclaimer that I didn't disapprove of that post! :(
@Protector one: I lost my star?? But why?
Stop whining and just make the damn game already.
Lols, the tangent with video games is truly just that.
The guy in the Mario video sure sucks! (Probably Totilo, then.)