Protector one

Swap Ocarina with Wind Waker. "Excellent!"

Not Boktai weather, then.

@High Speed Indeed: Heck no! I was like 6 or 7, so I got maybe 2 or 3 games a year. Took that thing back to the store immediately.

I had this with Super Mario Bros. 2! Box and cartridge said it was 2, but in actuality it was Super Mario Bros.

On what album can I find this "Taiyo Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryote ni"? Stupid Amazon is no help; they just list every track as "[Japanese text]". :/

@chrollo0427: Heck yeah. The posts about Japan Bash did years ago are still my favorite Kotaku posts ever. I wish I had bookmarked them at the time. These ones about Shigureden were fine too. []

@maythetechbewithyou: Make not biting your cuticles the new default, and cheer yourself on when it's working.

@Nxqd3051990: It's all about quality, not quantity.

@F0ntaine: Ef that... GTA! I'll have none of your new-fangled third dimension!

@Slagathorian: I was going to promote this comment, but alas, Bash took away my star.

I have mapathyathy.

@jotadeo: Sugar isn't real sugar??

@Protector one: The lord giveth, and the lord taketh stars away... :(

@OTCIXS: For shame! And I even had a disclaimer that I didn't disapprove of that post! :(

Stop whining and just make the damn game already.

Lols, the tangent with video games is truly just that.

The guy in the Mario video sure sucks! (Probably Totilo, then.)