
The idea that a single platform can “do it all” is how we got to the current F-35 boondoggle. There is no CAS aircraft in the world that can survive long without a degree of air superiority in place. The threats that the A-10 was designed to suppress and withstand are the ones that we are currently involved against.

How about a airframe that can loiter a round for hours, get the shit shot out of it, save the day for the ground troops and have enough redundancy to get the brave pilot home safely......nothing compares with the Hog on these requirements.....NOTHING!

That’s all that they need. Take the current A-10, spit and polish with modern materials, boom: A-10D. (Looks like they’re up to A-10C right now).

So basically they want the A-10 replacement to be an A-10. Makes sense...

REALLY? They guy said some mean things on twitter and your refusing to buy a game he is attached to because of it? He didn’t kill anyone, didn’t steal from people, didn’t do anything morally reprehensible. He insulted some gamers on twitter. People make mistakes, much worse one than he did.

Comfort is Russian.

This was the best moment of the game, hands down. DEAD-EYED ELI STARE.

I think Eli agrees with Drew.

They knew the $350 ballpark was a lie and they knew that made the $1500 Rift + new PC very unlikely and bordering on a lie and yet they said it anyway and then whether people misinterpreted it or not they let it stand because the truth would have killed the hype. Pretty shady.

This definitively proves that they choose to not communicate just to maintain people interested in their project

They almost fucked everything.

And all of this could have been avoided if they just said “we’re looking at about $600 for one of these” a while back. Nobody would be whining about the price tag right now, and lots of people would have tuned out on the product a long time ago.

Not really. Considering more Twitch streamers don’t broadcast themselves full screen, 720p at 60 is fine for their purposes. That and while games look better at 60 FPS, people sitting and talking are better at slower speeds. Most television shows and movies are filmed at 24 frames per second.

if the original Star Wars trilogy were first made in the internet age, it would’ve failed... and failed miserably. Going back to stupid shit about what made people love it decades ago is ludicrous. Asshole whack jobs didn’t break down every single frame of a fucking trailer back then. Maybe just enjoy it for what it

You’re goddam right! If you love the original trilogy so much, why are you getting bent out of shape if the new one follows the same plot structure as the first? Franky I was relieved to walk out of the theatre having enjoyed myself and not laughed out-loud at how terrible some of the dialouge was. It made me look

The original shooting script used to actually FILM the scene states that Han shoots Greedo before he gets a shot off.

“Unfortunately, you can’t buy the original version of the movie anymore”. Hey Disney, you own Star Wars now, right? Do you like $$$? Someone told me you like $$$, Disney. Guess what, I’m a huge Star Wars fan with $$$ that would like to own the original unaltered movies in HD format, and I have never purchased nor

no, but I would pay for it to remove the stupid, obnoxious advertising

they sold a gutted, shell of what could have been one of the best games ever. thats what they sold.