
Oops, you're right, I forgot he was in the Furious movie

You do know Kurt is currently in one of the top 6 grossing films for 2017 so far, right?

Offhand, I'd say 6' and 210# is fairly normal, and I'd think 6' and 150# would be rather slim. But if you trust BMI charts (and personally, I am don't, for the most part), 210# for his height puts him at the cusp between overweight and obese

Surprised at the blank stares with the Bill W clue. As popular as the potent potables categories usually are, would have thought to see some familiarity with the Friends of Bill

I just attributed that to Wolf being kind of dim, and it taking him that long to get the joke

Too bad she didn't win, or her q&a tonight would have been about how she met her husband while she was working as a Hooters waitress.

I couldn't help but root against Meike when she said she was making a stupid decision on the first double Jeopardy, when she was actually making the only intelligent decision for that situation. I was waiting for her to lose the final Jeopardy due to some horrendous betting choice.

Did anyone else get a couple of those license plate clues thanks to an old George Carlin bit?

No issues with the Brazil triple stumper? Brazil exports coffee beans, not brewed, liquid coffee. Describing their export as a "brew" struck me as confusing at best

Jumping into the comments a little late on this one…
Wasn't it rater unusual to have 2 unrelated clues in the game asking for an alliterative name? They had the Kubla Khan clue in the Double Jeopardy round as the final question

Component? The whole east side of the state and a good chunk north and south of the Seattle/Tacoma area! I spent the first 18 years of my life in that hillbilly area. Heading back to visit family, I start seeing Trump signs as soon as I exit the freeway east of the Cascades.

His comments about atheists are pretty odious

520 times…in each book

"At its best, the depth, world-building, intricate plotting, and political/military intrigue are unequaled."

What was baffling to me was that they were easy clues, and Trevor was picking them up with no problem, but with almost no time left in the round he was picking the $200 clues in other categories, with that $1,000 Letterman clue left untouched.

I hear there may be an opening in the White House Press Secretary position

I think the best meme I've seen floating around about this went something like:

Just think if they had rolled this Iron Fist out as the first installment for the Defenders series. I have a feeling the whole concept would have been scrapped before we ever got Daredevil, Jessica Jones or Luke Cage

I'm not just happy that the trailer used Immigrant Song, but that they used the actual song, not a slowed down, acoustic version.

Yes, she has every right. Just like you have every right to make a bizarre post somehow indicating the "the government" is only the executive, not the judiciary. (Just wait until you learn about the legislative branch, it's gonna be an exciting day in civics class!)