
If you are trying to make the argument that "the government" that Lahren and the Blaze complain about sticking its nose in people's business is not the judiciary, well, you do know that one of the biggest focuses of their rants is so-called activist judges, right?

While that is a problem in many cases, that's not the issue in this particular case. The questionable information wasn't on her social media, it was right in her resume.

Mix it up occasionally with a few "Why not…"

I was thinking it should have been HR to do it. With a sort of self-sacrificing motivation of "she'll hate whoever does this too her, and I'd rather that be me than you"

I recently had a similar conversation with someone at work. Imagining being a civics teacher in about 15 or 20 years and having to begin a discussion of the era of the Trump presidency by explaining what Twitter was and giving an idea of just how ludicrous it was for our president to be communicating that way.

Have any of us ever really left?

Because gifs don't have sound, perhaps?

And what does the concealed carry permit have to do with anything? Other states may be different, I suppose, but in WA the only criteria is passing the same background check required to purchase a gun. Nothing to do with training or competency

That wouldn't make any sense as a response though. The clue was "The 2 most popular forms of this are Greco-Roman and Freestyle". So while there may be a debate as for what really is the most "popular" form of wrestling, the only response that makes sense is "Wrestling"

For some reason my mind went to Pitcairn, but then didn't think it was an independent country. Plus, 32 might actually be too high

While I'm not a huge fan of the redesign, the remedy to your (non)issue is right in the article. Click on the arrows in the corner to expand the comments to the full screen.

It made me think of Clockwork Orange, just needed a little Singin' in the Rain

Terrified, turned on…It can be two things!

That, and the video she made cuts back and forth from the footage to her in the hotel, and with her voice-over narration over the whole thing. She spent a lot of time with some video editing software putting that whole thing together!

I swear I'll never understand the judges' logic on when to ask for more information. Accepting just Marshall in the Supreme Court category without clarification just seemed baffling

Sounds like Politics Corner needs its own version of the Cancellation League

I noticed the Wahlberg response, too, but couldn't tell if he messed up the phrasing, or if it was just a bad edit

This was my Friday night. Started at 9 with "I'll check out the first episode and see if this is any good" and ended at 1:30 with "when does the next season start?"

That seemed like the biggest giveaway to me. Then again, I spend my summers during college working for the Forest Service, so it was kind of a gimme

Ian McShane.
I want a Doctor not afraid to show those Dalek cocksuckers who the Time Lord is.