Meh, I think the leadership in both countries is curious to see what the end game of this arts and crafts project is. Heck, I know I'm curious. That's A LOT of work for something that I'm 99% sure is useless.
Meh, I think the leadership in both countries is curious to see what the end game of this arts and crafts project is. Heck, I know I'm curious. That's A LOT of work for something that I'm 99% sure is useless.
Yeah I keep it quiet myself, but then my sexuality's never been persecuted so I have the luxury of just ignoring the issue altogether. I don't think gay rights activists think we "want to know their sexual orientation," I think it's more like they see some benefit in forcing us to acknowledge it, and along with it…
just perpetuating black bear stereotypes even more
The GG Allin name drop, only to be followed up by a Judas Priest "Turbo Lover" reference. This guy is great.
"Fuck childhood." —Tim Marchman
"Fuck our demographic."—Tim Marchman
This is just awful and wrong.
The worst.
"We cannot exploit individual student-athletes, but it is not clear what exploitation is. On the other hand, who gives a shit, because we can clearly exploit all student-athletes at the same time at enormous profit!
Doesn't surprise me. Some people are dumb - that's not on the movie. The Kiwis at the seminar are those kind of people. There will always be people who eat this shit up. That's the point of that scene.
"We cannot exploit individual student-athletes, but it is not clear what exploitation is."
I will go on to be the amazing, independent woman that I am: charming, successful, kind, clever, witty, faithful, talented, and wicked list of attributes is a mile long.
Shame on you for only linking to the follow up by the girlfriend, and not posting it directly in the article like the rest of the drama. The follow up which mentioned "the police have found no malicious or explicit activity." Shame on you, Deadspin, for furthering the mudslinging and not clearing up the allegations…
If she were as smart as she claims, shouldn't she have figured out he was cheating before the relationship got two-and-a-half years deep? She said she was classy; what's classy about airing her dirty laundry on social media, instead of airing with the person with whom she had the grievance? I'm just saying...
"For the record, I am no snooper. It's just not my style. I was only curious, just wondering what he'd been up to. I have nothing to hide and assumed he didn't either."
Sooooo... A snooper?
He's a shit bag for cheating and there is a whole coach/teacher/person of authority issue with the student (though, lets not get…
You might have heard of this place called "Detroit."
She took AP Satan Worshipping. It was that or Home-Ec.