
Predators Goalie Carter Hutton Probably Made the Save of the Season

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Gonna give the edge to Crawford over Hutton. You need the replays of Crawford's save to really appreciate it. Hutton's was pretty damn good, but that was a super weak shot on goal.

I haven't seen a comeback by a Predator that tremendous since The Pianist.

American network uses a baseball analogy to describe hockey. This is why I stick to Canadian broadcasts.

Clicking on the profile would mean that Olbermann cares about who he is arguing with; he doesn't. He (like most talented debaters) doesn't care about the opponent only about being right and proving they are right in the most devastating fashion.

WHAT? The unemployment lines and phone calls that I didn't mention AREN'T REAL? THAT TOTALLY UNDERCUTS MY ENTIRE PREMISE!

Similar to how police officers get sprayed with mace during training so they know how to use it responsibly, Comcast wants its anchors to know what it's like for customers dealing with Comcast so it fucks them with a grizzly bear dick.

Isn't everybody's war on drugs an immoral shitshow?

There doesn't seem to be a branch of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster close enough for me to attend regularly :). It seems kind of phony to try and attend services that I don't believe in in order to make friends that I have have almost nothing in common with, but I think it's sound advice for anyone who can

He's not just famous, he's infamous.

Warning: the people you meet at church will be the type of people who attend church.

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This is all I can think about when talking about when your wife suggested you watch a game with Kelly's husband:

They turn the mics up when Manning is on field. They don't do it for Bears games, so you don't hear Cutler queefing in the huddle.

This may not be a good joke, but using "Ottawa" would be missing the point of the joke entirely.

Similarly, quarterbacks use the word "Juno" in the CFL.

Man you are just all up Samer's ass today. Apparently Pats fans can't take a joke. Or black people moving into their neighborhood.

"Whatever." - Mark Kelso.

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He doesn't go out of bounds, doesn't throw the ball the right way, doesn't throw the ball near anyone and it still isn't the worst way a Saints season has ended