
It's nice when you can go somewhere and not have the most unfortunate tattoos. a young woman who has happily discovered that married sex can be the most mind-blowingly HOT and incredible experience, I just feel grossed out reading this. If you really think that sex with a committed partner has to just become slimy and boring than you obviously haven't had any sembelance of an actual

So you choose not to view this whole firestorm set in motion today as an effort to "do anything about it" but instead as a punch line? I suppose I'm confused by your rationale.

Jose de Jesus Ortiz invites fans to vote on his ballot and help fill it out.

I guess turning over a vote to an entity consisting of your cronies is fine, and turning one over to an entity consisting of baseball fans isn't.

Yeah, there's never been a single not-dumb person who's complained about voter fraud. Not one.

Tony Kornheiser once said it was okay for Football HOF voters to not vote for Art Monk because Monk wasn't nice to them.

Seriously though, I'd gladly pay $10 a month for an independent Poe's Law commission that tells me which comments are dumb and which comments are smart satire.

God, the disdain with which Wilbon says the word "Deadspin" gave me a goddamn erection. Just knowing he hates all of us warms my cold dead heart. Suck a bushel of dicks, Wilbon.

No. You're bad at analogies.

i don't think i'd take $100 to read that diatribe in full.

I'm giving you SUCH a nasty look right now. (Okay fine, I'm not. I'm actually crying because you all keep asking Drew the cleaning questions when I'M RIGHT HERE GOD DAMN IT.)

Here's a tangentially related question:

Thanks. Believe it or not, I can read. ETA: Just saw that was not aimed at me. Pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain.

This really is no more legitimate than the bullshit you have to sit through Freshman year after you throw up in the hallway and pass out outside the RA's door.

I'm pretty sure that in this instance "a couple of drinks" means "a whole lot of drinks, but I'm raging alcoholic, so I can handle it."

I don't see any reason to drag the husband into all of this.

You can just tell by ALL of his reactions that Dad has been getting in fights over her behavior for no less than 20 years. One-handed, no-look, nonchalant deflection of the angry son, pay-no-mind ignoring of the Oklahoma bros, just an old pro. Nothing but veteran moves. He's the real hero here. I'm willing to bet

It's a fight at a football game. 100% of the people involved are automatically assholes.