Prostate of Grace

@JRod37: It also reveals that the author does not understand the purpose of the Nexus One. It very successfully accomplished it purpose, and the results show in the recent ridiculous increase of Android adoption.

@SparklyJesus: Cookies on the back porch in front of a motion sensor.

Huh? I am so fucking lost.

@The_Vitto: Just sleep/drool/fart/wank on them, she'll stop.

I will never again be able to complain to my wife about "ALL THE FUCKING PILLOWS" with a straight face.

@Saboth: Based on your logic, I should be able to open your unsecured mailbox, photocopy everything, and put it back.

Security Video Of The Violent Chicken McNugget Rampage Incident

At 1:17, it appears the manager tells her, "Britney Spears is a bad mother."

Chunky zoom is chunky.

It looks like it's still going to be tough to click that top row of qwerty if a person had above-average paws.

If a person takes the leaked rejected items of a group brainstorm session as the possible future direction of the organization, it betrays their ignorance of how companies are managed.

@Mr. Bean: No way, this is one of those universal boundary-free news items. Like when Kennedy was shot, or when the planes hit the towers, you will always remember where you were when you saw the Hurley Cover.

Weezer's ridiculousness makes me happy.

For some, this changes everything and nothing.

I bet when the slide inflated it made a sound like, "DOOOOOOUUUUUCHE!!!"