Just let me know when it's 4:20.
Just let me know when it's 4:20.
The good news is that if you're blogging in the shower, it will probably cut down on your wanking.
I'm guessing that at this point in his career, Steve is just looking for ways to replace components of his body. Since Adamantium is in such short supply, this metal will replace his skeleton and/or penis.
I have trouble with the word 'success' being used non-sarcastically to describe anything related to this disaster.
What-the-hell flavor is the key gelatin? Or is that keyboard hand-grime bleeding into the mix?
Lucifer's collection of fallen angel scrotums is quite fascinating.
@Sirusjr: I don't think the main point for most people is necessarily partying. The repetition of the word was meant as a joke.
@Dave Harris: Oh, I totally agree. But if you don't mind, I'd like to discuss technical details with a person that knows more about the subject than just how to attach colorful metaphors.
@locomodo: True. This would have a theoretical limit of simulating only 1g continuously in any given direction, correct?
There are a lot of reasons people go to college:
@Fredman1365: My God, that must have been terrifying. Did you bounce around a lot?
@wjbean: To tickle your mother's giant cooter! Grabs her breasts possessively, gives them a manly shake.
@Fredman1365: You're shitting me, right?
@wjbean: I'd need an awful big frond **ahem**
Urine luck. Bill's bucks can build a better bung bucket.
@wjbean: Tell me you're not serious. Please, for the love of humanity, tell me you are joking.
What the hell? Why not just build the filtration part of this contraption outside, and just plumb the wastewater into it? This looks light a nightmare to keep clean, and I insist on a clean shower area.