Prostate of Grace
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More and better and cheaper helmet cams, please. Because I'm fat and lazy and yet want to see more shit like the above.

@Mike43110: Hell no. But apparently a few people have.

When you think about it... the fact that the controls that make the car both stop and go are right next to each other, controlled by the same identical limb and the same identical motion is a recipe for disaster.

@Weiner: Exactly. Makes no sense.

Jeezuz, if we're going to shop wildlife, let's put some pants on Donald before any more lives are ruined.

If you need an app to keep track of your female relationships, give it up because you're fucked anyway. If it's not meaningful enough to remember on your own, its not meaningful.

@Billybird: I need to speak to a Hollywood physics professor. What would happen if Camryn Manheim's thighs collided with Kirstie Allie's camel toe?

@Viredae: Sorry, I just can't let any post describing the soon reality of 'light beam swords' and their subsequent uselessness go unpromoted.

Peter North was here

@packetvid8765: I've been a BB user for years at work and have recently converted. All I can say is that if you are having trouble with Android as a replacement, you're not doing it right.

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Sometimes when a person feels outmatched, they work harder. When a person thinks they are the greatest, they tend to relax.

It would suck to watch gramps die while jamming on his cello in the 3rd measure.