Prostate of Grace

WARNING: Sisyphus area. Please abandon all hope before proceeding.


@njso18: Put on a condom and get busy.

@cloudnine: Because burying our head in the sand solves nothing, and people who were up to no good and looking for exploits already knew about this.

@swx2: You find one on the beaches of Jersey Shore, the other on the biotches.

@olugbam: Gizmodo, for good or bad, is an Apple-centric gadget site - not a security site.

So how does it distinguish pollutants from, say, Axe body spray?

@AlexJDA: You're going to burn in Helvetica for that

OK, this is really trivial, but...

@Boomdiggity!: It's just that their syncing is wireless, like Zune syncing is wireless.

Sorry, Blackberry. I loved you. You loved me. For years.

@Boomdiggity!: OK, you kinda freaked me out a second there, but no.

I guess this is what the 'Hero displays' are all about?

Before I make my comment, I would like to say to Brian that I empathize with you. I am sometimes a terrible person on the internet.

I went to dinner with an old friend who came to visit from SoCal Friday night. He wanted surprise his other friends in town with a Facetime call from the dinner table, basically announcing his arrival.

It all started as a child with Barbie's Dream Shitter, now after decades of waiting, she gets the World's Greatest Party Pooper That's Not Her Mother.