Maybe if they kept the receipt they could talk the USA into giving them a free bumper.
Maybe if they kept the receipt they could talk the USA into giving them a free bumper.
@clervius: I don't know. I can't change my avatar, no matter how often I try. I have tits in my profile but Bob in my comments.
@ch3nd4wg: NICE
I'd like to see actual testing on this. A lot of these extended batteries are turning out to be total crap, not even providing the results of factory batteries half their purported capacity.
@ch3nd4wg: How so?
@Liam has a new desktop background :D: I thought it was entertaining.
@Plex: All other aircraft have this problem. It's blown waaaay out of proportion. Ask Buddy Holly, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Randy Rhoads. I think they wrote a song about it in heaven. At least that's what my Jesusphone app Wazzup in Heaven said.
@Plex: Hey, we cannot cover equipment that is run into the fucking ground after you jump out of it. You are supposed to fly the damn thing. WARRANTY VOIDED.
KUDOS for the bar codes, gentlemen.
Canada - this is why you can't have nice things.
@vein11: Excellent reality dose, please inject more.
@tomsomething: Aye, there's the rub.
@tomsomething: And where did that potential energy come from?
@tomsomething: HAHAHA... You too?
@RuckingFetard: There is a difference in real-life usage between "don't inadvertently touch this spot where your hand will naturally go" and "don't wrap as much of your hand as possible and grip it like you're watching RedTube."
@RuckingFetard: You're missing the point. They are not the same.
Interesting. This means my house no longer has what the FCC considers broadband. Can Verizon still advertise it as such?