Prostate of Grace

@RuckingFetard: I'm gonna have to play the 'bullshit card' on that one. Proof or it doesn't happen.

Wait, what?

Wow, Sammy plays for keeps.

Nothing like giving something painful a personality, so it can take on an imagined evil intent.

Very clearly she is masturbating her face.

@b33g33: Now I want to see a neon-accessorized midget ride this thing.

Adam Frucci Edition

@tomsomething: The super soaker analogy is correct in that the water will empty completely and to the ground. However, in one case the energy will move to the turbine, and in the case of no turbine, it will discharge the energy by impacting other matter (flying a greater distance through the air; or perhaps striking

@Alfisted: An Apple fanboy would try to paint it but fuck it all up when he held it wrong.

@tomsomething: Actually, the source pump (most likely electric) would have to draw more power to get the same amount of water to you, because your generator would increase the resistance.

@tomsomething: True. But you had to pump it, right? And if you want to do it again, you have to replenish?

I've been developing this technology with my Dodge Ramcharger for some time now.

@tomsomething: The energy would have to come from somewhere. It would essentially be drawing energy from the source of the pressure. It would be similar in principle to the hydraulic brakes on your car. The calipers are activated by power from the your leg applied to the brake pedal, which is augmented by power from