Prostate of Grace

@Nitemancometh: I ran the browser test with Froyo / Cyanogen 6.0 and got 176.

These appear to be feature tests, not speed tests.

I am satisfied that Steve Jobs is more full of shit than a Gary Busey cookie recipie.

Now playing

This is quite sad, and an obvious misunderstanding.

Not iPhone 4 related product review? Whooooaaaa!

Nancy is likely to be eaten by a grue.

Here they come in 3...2...1...

@OCEntertainment: We will never know what prompted your retort, but my gut instinct is that you are bitter.

NOW I understand all the fucking Cheetos ads.

"A little bit." One of the lamest phrases in the English language used to soften insults, second only to "bless his heart."

@dsgntm01: Tht's wsm. My mm s dd.

Grats to LeBron for escaping Cleveland.

I can see it now - I'm at work, and my boss walks up as I am checking things off my tasks.

We got lights, we got camera, let's see some ACTION.

@Xagest: I hope he answers yes.