@OMG! British Dinosaur!: So are a lot of things on this site. Go for it.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: So are a lot of things on this site. Go for it.
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Right, because we all know that using a Walkman™ improperly can cause injury or death.
Is this like an underwater Wal-Mart?
Frames 3 and 4 his hand was on her crotch. She didn't leave until after he removed it in frame 5.
Using a respirator *properly* or *improperly* is a big deal.
To all the people that think this post makes fun of a fat lady: There is nothing in this post that makes fun of a fat lady. Read it again.
@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Do you know this lady? How the hell do you know what she does or doesn't deserve?
The bike actually like this guy was riding in town and found Mr. Lightpost.
Awesome, this will match my socks perfectly.
They should have used this one.
@Tills13: Did you install and run the app on your device?
@JEmlayUSA: On the other hand, I want to hear the reason, however good. I've learned to not just take AT&T at their word.
I had previously been using LinkPush [chrome.google.com] effectively (and this works on non-Froyo Android phones) but this sound like a more streamlined option for 2.2 users. Thanks!
@Korrupt: HEY! I do!! The N1 has been awesome.