@ArseneKarl: I never claimed to not be biased.
@ArseneKarl: I never claimed to not be biased.
@Marvin Barnes' Time Machine: He lost me at having "the proper amount of suction."
Allright, the NYT is catching up to Gizmodo readers' observations!
@ArseneKarl: I wasn't talking about facts - this time. I was just letting the guy know how he sounded.
@britboyj: Wow, smug much?
@ilovetofu: Oh yeah... well.... HUH!
This is actually a pretty clever move by Apple - it certainly separates their customer service from the rest. And it will probably put the customer in a slightly happier geek state. So in the end, they will hopefully have had a 'wow' customer service experience.
Compare to the overall cost of the phone,
Before the story was updated with the 50 unit limit,
It's this kind of happy fool genius that makes me immensely proud to be a nerd.
You didn't say "don't try this at home."
Those who live in stone houses
This could be less out of consideration for the customer and more about getting some samples back from the field just to check and see something wrong with quality control.
@sk123: No, this is fucking aburd.
Regretting his 'freedom from porn' in 3....2...1....
@Ian Logsdon: Some truth here. Regardless of whether it is a problem of design or manufacturing, Apple want the perception to be that it not even a problem. That is the least expensive solution for them.
@Lantern42: OK, so my sarcasm wasn't quite obvious enough?
@ralph the robot: Yes. Rule 34.