Prostate of Grace

Mature Obese Hotties in Stretch Pants!

If it doesn't give me bloody callouses and get me laid, it's not a fucking guitar.

OK, now put a bumper on it, then shoot it again and see what happens.

If Google is deletes an application from my phone to protect my personal security, I welcome that. Especially if they notified me about it.

@Brett Wood: That wasn't an starting an argument, that was stating an opinion.

@FriarNurgle: This is the funniest pic post I have seen in a long while.

Well, this is certainly a negative. Or is it a positive? Dammit, confused consumer is confused by this.

@iPolak: That's a given. But I'm sure they were told how to hold it and when to smile.

Holy crap. That FaceTime video has person after person after person after person holding it wrong.

@MJDeviant: That was on Engadget this morning.

Steve, when you say "It's not a big issue" you mean it's not a big issue to you. After all, you have the customer's money and it spends perfectly.

@Dancing Milkcarton: C'mon, this is the site that has Foxconn high-diver jokes in the comments.

@Alleris: Sorry, not you at all. I was thinking about how washing this has to be a pain in the ass at best, but how persons not really concerned about hygiene won;t care anyway.

@Alleris: My thoughts exactly. But then I realized how obvious this will be to persons actually concerned about hygiene.

I used this tool to help me set my home WiFi on the best available channel. With multitasking, I was able to switch back and forth between the browser, which was logged into the router, and this app. I could see the results immediately and switch it up until I got the best results.

"Hello. We're the dumb pipe."