Prostate of Grace

I think cutting the Viagra into fourths would have been an OD for this kid.

"Worrkfff prrrwwty gllld!"

Whatever you do.... Don't use porous rocks like basalt. The heat makes the vapor build up and the scorching-hot rocks explode.

Wow. Nice Cannes.

So Jessica gets the Watchtower?

Did Baldwin just eat a lemon?

This is a very interesting topic.

Woman With Small Breasts Projects Issues On Men Everywhere

I'm gonna suggest this to my wife before we go to bed.

Wow, it's like he took design cues from Zune.



I have such a raging boner for this car I can barely breathe.

Funny. If you didn't know this guy was a millionaire, he could be passed off as a recently-bathed transient.

Now playing

I think I've seen Christina and Mike in a movie before.... waiit, now I remember!!!

C'mon now - isn't the real reason he is more attractive is that he is trained to control things with just a touch?