Prostate of Grace

This may seem strange and offensive, but I wonder if he would be willing to trade an iPhone for a double amputee? [] Could be fun at parties.

Once again - boobs are better.

Alton Brown has changed my life. Best Chili recipe on the planet - no beans, but it has beer.

@Reavyn29: In fact... this needs a new hashtag...

I suddenly feel uncomfortable with my screen name. No offense, all you cancer-y people.

@Reavyn29: Google 'Chindogu.' It's a learning experience. Inventing contraptions that are total failures is evidently an art form.

Don't they have a word in the Japanese language that means, "That's a stupid idea and a complete waste of money. Clear out your office, you're fired."

$2.1 million?!?!?!? Chissakes!!!

@drakino @deliciousburglar: Aiight, now we're talking, this makes sense. Unlike @abarnum broad-sweeping "Let's also face a few things as they are basically fact" opinions, you have some meat on the bones here.

@TheSonOfKrypton: For the record, I have an iPhone 3G... at least until something better comes along.

@TheSonOfKrypton: Talking about the data compression, not the web browser. Do you know the difference?

@TheSonOfKrypton: Peter Misek, of Canaccord Adams, theorizes that AT&T can run 20 Blackberries on its network for each iPhone 3G, due to the fact that the iPhone 3G "lacks the data compression technology that is a hallmark of Blackberry devices," and that AT&T could have to spend up to $1 billion to bring its 3G

What a fantastic progression.... to this day we've only seen chocolate-powered sex bots.