
Awesome. Thanks for the info. I’ll DL it and give it a shot :)

Quick. I don’t like MOBA’s, I’ve tried them before, but I hear this isn’t really like LoL, or some of the others. Truth? Should I give this a shot?

Bards Tale was a pretty amazing port (given that I never had the chance to play the original).

The Babadook was an under performer in my book. Everything else on this list though I agree with. What about The Strangers? That ending still gives me chills.

Now playing

If you’ve never watched this video, I highly recommend it. I travel (a lot) for work, and watching something like this always takes me down after a long day. All in all her videos are fantastic, I just thought it was funny that she has something very similar to your article.

I have started Fallout...and then stopped. I just could not get in to it. I love Skyrim though.

So what are the MUST haves from this the best of the best. Speakers, distractions, lighting, chairs, games, whatever. If I work from home (which I do) and I travel (a lot) what do I need to have?

So what are the MUST haves from this the best of the best. Speakers, distractions, lighting, chairs,



It might be frowned on, but I actually hopped between jobs quite a bit before I landed my current position which I think really is the one for me. Each job gave me more, and more experience in my field. Nowadays experience talks (I was a recruiter as well for a while so I know this is still the case). Certifications

And the price is going to be...?

I have an odd mix between laptop and phone (4s). I sure would love a tablet though.

Ah. Games, and things.

Whoa. A G4 Cube? Dude has some nostalgia on the left there.

This...I like this.

That's what you get for letting people step into the shoes of a Lifehacker guest author for a bit :)

Deer lord, how many times did you have to say this on here :-P

Wow! Thanks, Tessa!