especially since it could have been accomplished in 3 or 4 minutes if Stefan just had thrown himself off a cliff
especially since it could have been accomplished in 3 or 4 minutes if Stefan just had thrown himself off a cliff
I’m glad that you personally believe in “live and let live”, but please keep in mind how your actions may consciously or unconsciously contradict that motto. For example, I’m sure you’ve voted for more than one elected official who seeks to deny the LGBTQ community the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy.
And, views like this are why I’m glad I left the church. The argument of “can’t procreate” loses all validity the second it’s pointed out the religious right has no issues with heteroromantic couples who are sterile marrying. I don’t respect your opinion, but I respect your right to have one and voice it. However,…
Ugh, you’re like almost perfectly decent, and I appreciate you expressing honest tolerance, but ugh. As a gay man, knowing this about you, I would never want to know you or help you or treat you the way I treat my loving friends.
The problem is that this isn’t dividing people up into those groups because those groups already exist, it’s just actually talking about them for once.
Wanting equality for all woman is not oppressive to POC.
So you gonna blame all that one feminism instead of the true culprit, white supremacy? You focusing on demonizing feminism has you overlooking the system that oppresses black men and women. Do you know black women go to prison too? That black women also get murdered by the police and that cop will also go free?
You mean something like this?
Black women are always at the forefront of everything Black and take all of the beatings and then have to come to their homes and worry about Black men harming them as well. It’s a damn shame and us Black men can’t help elevate the Black community without elevating Black women and LGBT people.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say anti Black male, but it is very pro feminist,pro LBGTQ. The Root, VSB etc have some of the best pieces on Black America anywhere on the internet. Its just sometimes the bullshit that men do need to be called out on thats all. Its nothing wrong with that.
I had the same thought. I’ve seen so much of the same kind of sentiment in the queer community, and it’s painful how hard most cis gays and lesbians work to avoid talking about it. Not to mention, how ignorant most folks are about the history of cis lesbians teaming up with social conservatives to crap on trans folks.…
Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.
Omg this article is fucking perfect.
This sounds very similar to the conversation currently ongoing in the LGBT+ community in that Gay Men and to a lesser extent Lesbian Women are the ones who’ve been the rallying cases of and the main benefits to initiatives focused at the community and that they’ve just as badly treated other minorities within the…