
As much as I love that clip, I actually have to criticize Affleck’s interpretation. Just because someone can engineer a rocket, doesn’t mean that they’ll do as good a job on a piece of drilling equipment.

He didn’t make Steve Buscemi fix his teeth, cause Steve Buscemi makes it work.

Would you consider Willis, Wilson and Affleck to be “horny” material?

but they balanced that with Bruce Willis, Owen Wilson, Affleck, and pretty much every other dude. 

I think the changes make sense. Aging up the characters was the best thing the show had done and giving them actual agency and reasons for conflict at the biggening was smart. I certainly didn’t want to watch 37 seasons of a long strung out series were the characters have banal inner monologue for entire episodes.

especially since it could have been accomplished in 3 or 4 minutes if Stefan just had thrown himself off a cliff

This seems way more about your hang-ups than the show.

Saidin and saidar are still part of the show. One of Amazon’s background animated videos (which go live on Friday) is dedicated to explaining it. The duality is still present.

The books are well-written and a great yarn, but the bones of the story are so staggeringly basic. Chosen Mary Sue male destined to fight a big evil literally called The Dark One in the series, aided by a ton of tokenized groups stolen whole-cloth from other book series. (Particularly Dune)

As a long time fan I enjoyed the early premiere episodes and am looking forward to more. Some things I find questionable but will give it time to play out to see how it works with a new take on the story.

Not everyone who is transgender has had reassignment surgery. And in any case, a female to male trans man isn’t going to have a prostate. Cardcaptor_RLH85's comment was correct.

FtM transgender individuals are male but don’t have a prostate.

I’m glad that you personally believe in “live and let live”, but please keep in mind how your actions may consciously or unconsciously contradict that motto. For example, I’m sure you’ve voted for more than one elected official who seeks to deny the LGBTQ community the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy.

And, views like this are why I’m glad I left the church. The argument of “can’t procreate” loses all validity the second it’s pointed out the religious right has no issues with heteroromantic couples who are sterile marrying. I don’t respect your opinion, but I respect your right to have one and voice it. However,

Ugh, you’re like almost perfectly decent, and I appreciate you expressing honest tolerance, but ugh. As a gay man, knowing this about you, I would never want to know you or help you or treat you the way I treat my loving friends.

The problem is that this isn’t dividing people up into those groups because those groups already exist, it’s just actually talking about them for once.

You mean something like this?

Black women are always at the forefront of everything Black and take all of the beatings and then have to come to their homes and worry about Black men harming them as well. It’s a damn shame and us Black men can’t help elevate the Black community without elevating Black women and LGBT people.

I had the same thought. I’ve seen so much of the same kind of sentiment in the queer community, and it’s painful how hard most cis gays and lesbians work to avoid talking about it. Not to mention, how ignorant most folks are about the history of cis lesbians teaming up with social conservatives to crap on trans folks.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.