Even God doesn’t know her.
Even God doesn’t know her.
Serving Busted Aja as Alyssa UNrealness.
Pushing the “I’m married to a woman therefore I’m a heterosexual” card + Mormonism * extreme gayface = GUUUUURRRRRRL Gurlesha Gurlene Gurlonda Gurlfriend.
This sounds like such excellent, truly good news. So I’m wondering what level of evil is going on that this is the cover for.
The walleyed ginger hobbit steals more than souls.
That walleyed hobbit Sheerhan is going to play a ginger thief of souls. They capture Cersei and take her to him to test her for being a witch. If his right eye looks at her, she has a soul and he sucks it out of her. She dies, but she was a human. If his left eye looks at her, then she doesn’t have a soul, she’s a…
What in hot air balloons flying over branson White People fuckery is this?