
Nintendo is never going to do a thing about this, especially with the new models due out soon. Japanese are dicks like that...

At a certain point large companies don’t care if a million people boycott them. There are always enough customers to keep the profits flowing. Sad, but true. They really don’t care, it really doesn’t do anything.

Meh. Prime Day is now like Steam seasonal sales. Garbage. OH! 10% off!! No. Most of those prices, especially on monitors are about where they should be normally. Artificially high prices just so ‘sales’ appear good.

Meh. Prime Day is now like Steam seasonal sales. Garbage. OH! 10% off!! No. Most of those prices, especially on

“Somehow I arrived at adulthood without ever learning to enjoy creativity.”

Whore. Slut. You are not a gamer. You are nothing but a prostitute. #GamerGate #MeToo #THOT

Just put REAL sales on (50% 75%) and stop the retarded theme stuff. 5% off? Yeah, that $2 or $3 was what was holding me back... LOL!! They’re so stupid. Steam sales are horseshit going on 3 years now. We expect deep discounts and no childish themes. Steam is trying hard to become the retarded red-headed step-child.

Not worth it. Should be $99. 

The DLC with 2 titles...

Yeah, let’s pretend that Kotaku has never run articles in exchange for cash.. oh wait, that’s their primary business model.

Every video game based on a movie or tv show has ALWAYS been nothing but a garbage rehash of the show... They can’t just re-invent the story...

Why is this not on the Switch? Or Phones??

Penalties should me 10x more severe. This is nothing. Hell. that’s 2 years of free rent, food, healthcare, dental, vision, and schooling. I’d get an engineering degree or programming degree, come out and have ZERO student debt and set for a 6-figure income.

HS allows WAAAYYY too much time between turns. Should be cut by 3/4. If you can’t comprehend what’s in your hand and the eventualities in under 10 sec you shouldn’t be playing a competitive game. That’s what made me quit long over a year ago.. sitting and waiting. Also, 99% of games are decided by the RNG bullshit of

‘Disney: Infinity’ wasn’t cancelled because it wasn’t making profit... it was cancelled because it wasn’t making ENOUGH profit. YAY CAPITALISM!!! YAY!!

Your inability to recognize reality is what makes YOU ‘so fucking stupid’. You should rethink  your entire life.

It’s ENTIRELY about China. It all started with Mists of Pandaria. 100% pandering (no pun intended) to the communist, holding 2 million muslims in concentration camps (REAL ONES), murdering regime. Diablo Immortal and their all-in for mobile was all about China as well.

Probably some idiot millennial with a fresh MBA thinking they are smarter than everyone before them. Nobody is going to view a stream they have to pay for just to sample. LOL!! This will be the end of Twitch if this even remains as an option.

LOL! RIP Twitch. 

Sign up to be a janitor at a law-firm and don’t expect to be invited to the hookers-and-blow parties... Yeah, they could be treated as part of the team... but guess what, they arent!

Rejection hurts, sweetie. Doesn’t mean men are trash. :)