Cool story. Spirit Wolves nerfed yet? no? Oh ok, I’ll continue my 1.5 year hiatus. HS is so beyond broken it is hilarious.
Cool story. Spirit Wolves nerfed yet? no? Oh ok, I’ll continue my 1.5 year hiatus. HS is so beyond broken it is hilarious.
Overpriced and forced-scarcity.
Overpriced and forced-scarcity.
Satisfaction is the death of desire. Keep paying out thousands, dumbasses. LOL!!
Let’s just look back. the NVidia GTX 660 was state of the art when it started... LOLOL!!!
Come on. Anyone who knows anything knows that it takes 25 years to develop a AAA title...
Nobody is asking for this. This is them forcing stream-only down our throats. They want to remove ownership of consoles/games completely. This means that you will have 1-2 years to play a game before they pull the server space for the new stuff. If you want to play games, you will play what they offer.
Lol! Mountains out of mole-hills LOL!
Garbage. Where’s our Graphics pack you promised almost 2 years ago Microsoft?
... and by then Pearl Abyss will have implemented their first round of P2W mechanics and 60% of Eve’s subscriber base will be gone.
‘3 Amigos’ you butthole-eyed arrogant prick. Name a single film you have been in that anyone alive can name off the top of their head. Half of your comedic act is your freakish features.
Just let Kotaku and their SJW ilk live in their pretend world where women and men who pretend to be women can have their unicorns and rainbows and act like they are superior in every way. It’s quite entertaining.. Like when my daughters put on a Rapunzel or Elsa dress while they watch the respective cartoon and recite…
Then stop forcing the issue.
Let’s see. Garbage product backed by overhyped advertising.. yep.
Terrible name. This alone will prevent game-changing mass-use.
They need to move away from the daily objective style and back to the ‘if you’re willing to grind it out, then feel free’ style. For the last 3 xpacs, you log in, do your daily garbage JUST TO FUCKING FLY AGAIN, then 45 min later you’re depressed and just don’t give a fuck about it anymore and log off. WoW has become…
It’s almost like they all come from Something Awful forums or Goonswarm in Eve...
In other words.. “Fuck all you fuckers that bought everything before. Fuck you.”
It was Ninja and Summit.
What I want to know is how many of his ‘followers’ are legitimate active (within 45 days) unique humans... I’d wager that 25% MAYBE. I’ve been an AVID Twitch user for 3 years and this is the first time I’ve ever heard of him, much less seen his streams show up.. granted I bypass the Twitch home screen with bookmarks…
Dear women.. you were never invited to join the industry or the world of gaming in general. Nobody asked you to come and enter the world WE created for ourselves. Nobody forced you into a hostile environment where, let’s face it, you really aren’t welcomed by us, the lifelong gaming community that BUILT the gaming…