And my perma-banned accounts? If players accept this then you have no spine. If this was Eve Online players would already be shooting at an indestructible structure by the thousands.
And my perma-banned accounts? If players accept this then you have no spine. If this was Eve Online players would already be shooting at an indestructible structure by the thousands.
Pro-tip Kotaku. Nobody owns the word ‘Battleground(s)‘.
Maybe assume that EVERYTHING you claim about him is true. He still beat your candidate. What does that say about your candidate and the people like YOU who made her your candidate?? I guess a lifetime criminal isn’t the best candidate... that’s the first bit of logic you fail to comprehend. Second, maybe overlooking…
Is he trying to look like Princess Diana? Makeup? REally dude?
I heard he was an ass...
Why is this on Kotaku? Troubles finding real content now that Nintendo isn’t paying for every other story to be about the Switch since holiday season is over?
His handle was SWAutistic (swat-istic)...
How is that caliphate coming along?
Police depts are hiring un-empathetic meatheads as per Agenda 21 dictates.
DOTA 2 crafting system is ridiculous. It is the barrier for many, many would-be players.
8 min 5 sec... 8 min 3 sec... 8 min 14 sec...Clearly did nothing more than solve a puzzle for efficiency. AI is in fact not very intelligent... despite what you are being fed from the ‘tech’ world. It can only act as programmed.
Why anyone would waste a second on all of these skinny, fragile, blonde-haired metros on YouTube is beyond me. They are women among men.
That is under ‘Top 10 Dudebro-Dbag Games of 2017'
Pure irony. CCP colludes with players (ie Mittens/The Mittani/Hitler wannabe) who have well documented histories of laughingly encouraging suicide, setting up RL brawls at Eve meets, as well as stated goals of ‘ruining the game for everyone else’ through unlimited forms of trolling and griefing and scamming.
It can never be considered an esport because in a sport, all competitors must begin equally, and NO, jumping from the same plane does not qualify. Too much random clusterf*ck at the beginning of a PUBG round.
I suppose it would have been too difficult to do real journalism and post an image of a puffin.. #Amateur4life
Stop paying for things that should ethically belong in the core of a game. The more you give in, the deeper they’ll go... without lube. See: Battlefront 2.
And just like that, men don’t want to touch boobs anymore... Want to end sexual harassment in the workplace?? Keep women out of the workplace. Sexuality is the most core human reality. It will never change. Stay home and raise your degenerate children. It’s not just coincidence the de-evolution of society coincides…
Nobody is responsible for what may happen except for the person making the threats. If you have the time to log on and cry about it to random people you do not know across the country then that sucks, but it’s your problem, not the problem of innocent people you choose to impose your own burden on.. ON THE INTERNET.…