“got his money back over the course of a couple of payments.”
“got his money back over the course of a couple of payments.”
The RNG in this game is a complete lie. You are paired with an opponent based on your battle.net account tag.. oops! Did I say too much?
Shittiest Steam sale ever.
This is the shittiest Steam sale I’ve ever experienced. Nothing worth buying is more than 25-40% off. Just 3-5 year old trash that most of us own by now already anyway who would ever buy them.
I might actually care to ever watch an MLS game if they flooded the field with 1 foot of water for every game. Until then, meh, still don’t care.
Minecraft has become too complacent. They don’t own the concept of simplicity. I’ve seen the core idea of Minecraft as a YUGE opportunity to meld with real creativity and MC modders have become boring and redundant. MC is in danger of becoming irrelevant if they don’t broaden their horizons.
And don’t trouble your busy mind with any questions like ‘If it can do that to cheese, what would it do to my body?’... because questions like those don’t put money into corporate pockets.
Steven Adams is quickly becoming my favorite NBA player. Actually the Thunder as a team are rising on my respect list as a whole. But that shot to the nuts... and bending over in front of millions of people, LOL.
What about the games that are 5v5 but one person on your team is so fucking terrible that it is more like 4v6 in favor of the other team??
“My apolog... HUH!?!? ASTOUNDING!!”
“what’s stopping him from just making a new account and going at it again?”
.006% my ass.
Quite the claim. Perhaps some names? Or something other than that which can be made up just because you don’t like mormons? I can say Barack Obama touched me when I was 12. Who are you to say he didn’t?
Longtime KSP player.. I gotta say, this 1.1 is still FULL of major game-breaking bugs. It’s almost unplayable for more than 30 min. Not really much of an upgrade other than higher part counts. Roverdude is lazy as hell so his remote-tech ripoff wasn’t included. He’s too busy doing his own mods that have their own…
Call it whatever you want, if the guy in that pic was in the same bathroom as my daughters he would never walk into a womens restroom again... i assure you.
I’m glad Ironbeak is getting a kick to the nuts, but I’d prefer to see that dick card die completely. Now if they would just make Sheep cost 6 mana and give Spirit Wolves 1/2 I might hate this game a little less than I do now.
It’s clearly retribution for Blizzard forcing that vanilla server to shut down. They sort of deserved it. It wasn’t hurting anyone or their wallet.
Wait til u hit 30. Then once in a while you’ll be wondering to yourself why you aren’t getting a full-on hardon when you should be... until one day you are 34, taking the clothes off of a HOT female that would get any guy aroused.... and you just flat out can’t get it up.
Wow has become nothing but a daily grind game. It has come to the point where you can literally spend every minute from sun up to sun down on 1 toon and still not accomplish all of the daily grind tasks you must do just to stay on PAR. If you miss 1 day, you are lightyears behind.