
You have no clue about culture. Please get one.

Did you notice that they buried her in boxing gloves. She must have kicked some ass in the afterlife.

If someone told ME I had a "beautiful face for makeup" they'd get a slap!

Well, did Jesus die for her sins, or just human sins? Also, what is sin? And can she remember all her sins and receive absolution? And if she can, will she join Jesus and Robin in the next world? And does that mean she will show up in one of his movies?

She was saying, "He's not dead, he's in the movies." Which is also true.

Yeah, you need to get some historical perspective.

Oh thanks. I'm not used to seeing a link in the form of a comment, except in the main article. Sorry.

I wasn't yelling. You made your post red, so I thought I'd tart mine up too.

I say, keep them busy on the computers while we creep up behind them.

Lot's of men are dick-sucking whores, and their girfriends/wives never find out. because, you know. They're not gay.

I should say so. When it comes to Russia, Germany is NOT FUCKING AROUND.

Well I DO get scenes from My Own Private Idaho mixed up with it sometimes.

I saw that at a film festival and SLEPT through the whole thing. Then when I finally watched it when it was released it was instantly my favourite film and I thought, I slept through THIS?

Raising Arizona. Best comic turn in a Cohen Brothers movie up until that time.


I love that the above photo looks like a mug shot until you notice the Tony; and then you just figure, she must have got arrested the night she won the Tony.

She's talking about Hollywood Plastic Surgery, which is different from Regular People Plastic Surgery.

You can still learn that now.

I love all those Noir words (my current favourite is frail ) and ALL of them are better than gal or gals. The only exception is in a Broadway musical number where woman or any of the preferable words doesn't scan.