
Bill Bailey is a poet and a gentleman, and a feminist too. I can attest personally to this.

Every time I see this picture I'm caught by where K.D. has her hand and I think Oh you lucky bitch.

That's a great image for feminism. I love it.

I'm ray gun and sunglasses chick, for sure. Absurdity? Moi?

It's a sticking plaster for your bumhole!

It's a Band-Aid for your bumhole!

The mom and pop stores are now called bodegas in New York, I think.

Whatever you say to Americans, they'll tell you you're saying it wrong.

I am SO SICK of cutesey YouTube soundtrack music! It is not needed.

She threw one machine of tyranny (the car) against another.

I wish you had used the word supermarket just once in this article.

Dustin Hoffman is so amazing. Great shot of him.

I can't see any tongues here, just lips.

This orange lipstick trend is horrifying.

I'm glad that you're happy. For me, please eat some fruit or vegetables or protein as well - maybe every other day? Especially the green leafys - I went without them for ages and they've got stuff in them other vegetables haven't.

In 10 years you will look at that photo and rave about how good you looked.

Maybe they could make coffee in JUST the apron, a la Betty Blue.

I wonder what people will think of Brad Pitt when Angelina Jolie starts talking about how he was around her kids.

I think that's true too.

There were a lot of child-abuser witch hunts around the world at this time.