
I don’t understand the mentality behind this. If I drove 80 in a 45, I don’t blame the cop that pulls me over. If I shoplifted, I wouldn’t blame the store security that catches me. Doesn’t doing something illicit come with the understanding that you’re breaking the rules?

make up your mind ... are they pirating cause they’re assholes or are they pirating cause they can’t afford them ?

cause it’s a massive difference between those two.

if they’re simply assholes ... they’re assholes ... fuck’em.

but if they’re pirating cause they simply can’t afford it then maybe we should give them a

Not just his mod, but a mod posted for free. My only (very minor) concern is that publishers might start thinking about moving the goalposts. Many mods already state use with pirated copies is prohibited, but to actually enforce it is definitely an above-and-beyond type thing and should continue to be treated as such,

He isn’t violating anything on the person’s computer.
You could just force close the game and remove the mod to get rid of the license loop.
There isn’t anything particularly malicious about it or destructive.

Right? It’s his mod, who am I or anyone else to tell him what to do with it?

I’m totally OK with his decision. I, personally, don’t see piracy as a bad thing and, given the compelling arguments on both sides (creators say piracy hurts sales and they show flawed data to prove it and pirates say piracy boosts sales and, they too, show flawed data to prove it), I think piracy is probably a wash

Where to stand? Modder makes all the right points, but feels a little bit invasive. But you authorize it to check when asked. It is his/hers and supports the developer. So kind of agree. But mods with requirements can kead to more things I don’t want to know.

When did software pirates become such whiners?
I did a fair amount of pirating in my youth. We didn’t cry about DRM, we either found a way around it, or dealt with the fact we’d have to buy the game if we couldn’t.
We also didn’t try to pretend we were doing for any other reason other than free games.

I frankly can’t imagine being on the wrong side of this debate.

I was honestly baffled when I first read this stuff. If you pirated the game, why not just delete the mod and play without it? And if the game doesn’t run quite right without the mod, guess what? You didn’t pay anything for it, so you’re in no position to complain about it.

I’ve always found it odd and a little funny that pirates use the Steam forums.

It’s actually about emulation - I think that’s a lot grayer (I emulate - lots of old titles aren’t easily available) and didn’t want to get into that with respect to this article.

The most depressing part is how he has to explain that his own personal belief against giving thieves something for free, BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEVES has to be ‘justified’ with “well, I don’t need my code tied to pirated code and breaking licenses”

I was actually following this on the Steam forum for Automata last night (and part of this morning; there are a couple of people who got into it with Kaldaien that are still crowing about his ban/soothing their individually savaged egos--Kaldaien can field a pretty scorching argument when the mood strikes), and was

Awesome DLC, I enjoyed it thoroughly