
While you’re busy taking pictures, that animal is just trying to survive

I mean those burns were pretty wet.

Oh hey I just saw this comment.

I love Old Handsome Joe.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

Hillary is not going to let another black person stop her from being president, dammit!

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

I can’t wait for Eli’s academic issues at Ole Miss to come to light. Here’s a picture he drew for Archie. Eli colors out his “wicked older brothers,” while he scrubs the floor, So sad.

Honestly, I think 16-25, that 9 year period, is an extremely gray area in regards to sexual maturity and exploration. I would say it is that stretch of years that demands the most nuance in regards to legal prosecution, because there are good many people in that demographic who become forever labeled as sex offenders

Well, in all fairness, I believe the article is pretty just in its analysis. It is a very thoughtful piece that illustrates the moral quandary of how we interpret a person’s behavior across decades of shifting cultural mores.

I was hoping someone would mention this! His dickheadedness goes back long before his term as governor. He was a colossal dick as a USA, possibly more so because he had a far more direct ability to fuck up people’s lives.

He's hung like an elevator button.

Pussies. You gave in and did her laundry for her after all that?

That is just horrifying.

Aaaaaaaand I’m never having children.

That's disgusting.

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Did you then embark on a life of crime?