
She is, as I keep saying to the extreme annoyance of her worshippers, a dull grind.

On the bright side, she did not tell her to go eat cake.

Its her fucking turn, goddammit, and she is sick and tired of hearing this shit from young black chicks.

If she is always “focusing” on her tone and wording, that inevitably means she is going to come across insincere and robotic, because, umm, that means she is. Only liars have to worry about what they are saying, normal people don't have to focus quite so much.

Pee Wee totally wins the mug shot event.

Clinton would not have been elected but for Perot. And he was right about the great sucking sound.

This election is not about men vs. women, its about Us, the rest of us, vs. Them, the 1%. A billionaire's feminist wife should vote for Hillary. Everyone else should vote for Bernie.

If Hillary loses this election I bet we will see her adopt Britney's cool hairstyle that she came up with in 2007.

That's its! The primary should be determined by a game of HORSE between Sanders and Hillary, then Sanders goes on to take on the GOP champion. Slam dunk for Sanders! All the rest are total spastics. Could you even imagine Ted Cruz attempting any feat of athleticism, of any kind? Even badminton?

I was utterly clueless until I was 30.

BTW, speaking of differing cultural norms, I see lots of prosecutions of Mexican immigrants, say a 22 year old man, who have relationships with a 16 year old girl, and I keep thinking, in their little rural farming village, this is probably the absolute norm.

That's all I was attempting to say. The idea that now David Bowie is the same as Ted Bundy and people should revile his name and stop listening to his music is both crazy and stupid.

Yes, idiotic. Call me a pedophile, rather than responding logically to anything I said at all. Here is a question: Can a 16 year old consent to have sex with another 16 year old? Are they capable of consent in that circumstance?

Is a 14-year old capable of determining that he or she is transgender? Yet they are not capable of determining they want to rub genitals with someone for 15 minutes so they can have an orgasm. Strange world.

Typical idiot response.

People act as if moral absolutes are determined by arbitrary legislative enactments. We prohibit adults from having sex with minors because we want to protect minors from the imbalance in power, maturity, experience, and knowledge. Setting a particular age is an arbitrary act, its purely for simplicity, because it

The Bay City Rollers edition?

I am starting to detect a professional wrestling vibe out of pro football. They even have the characters now, the Heels, which would be the Patriots, and the Good Guys, Green Bay I guess. And hell, they rigged the game for Peyton throughout his career, how many times did they change the rules just for him?

I WANT ROBERT EVANS! I used to hear his voice when I read them!

I agree, a lot of it was racism of the old pointy white hat variety. I saw a lot of Cam-Bashing, mostly on Facebook, that was combined with a level of good old-fashioned racism that was off the charts, with tea-party conservatism thrown in for good measure. Lots of idiots seemed to view the whole game as the end-times