
Ahem, its "dimmy-crats," not "democrats," when Grandpa Simpson says it. Man, I miss Edna. That's a cartoon cougar I totally wanted to nail.

Bushcrack is hereafter to be my term for a hairy asshole! Its, its simply beautiful!

That Avventura totally turned into the late 70s Chevy Monza.

So in the Urban Dictionary next to where Florio found that definition of "douchebag," there was a picture of Kanye, I am assuming?

He he. He said "homo-wner."

I have done well over 100 meters in a pool without coming up for air, and I have timed myself at over 3 minutes. I can hold my breath through the duration of most early Beatles songs. I have been a scuba and skin diver for 30 years is maybe got something to do with it.

Edna! I always had the hots for her.

You meant "prehensile" nose, Drew; prehensile.

I think maybe something happened to that mad pooper maybe, and he is in severe denial, maybe even traumatic amnesia, and his mind has created this elaborate rationalization so he does not have to confront the trauma.

And New Jersey's quintessentially uniquely New Jersey food is the pork roll, egg and cheese sandwich and they are fucking great, you ignoramus.

Oh, and Ron White covered Cincinnati chili, lameass.

Articles which consist entirely of strongly held opinions can be amusing or interesting. But there is a distinction to be drawn between opinions or even merely prejudices (Mencken titled several volumes of his opinions as "Prejudices") which are sophisticated and informed and presented elegantly and with wit, and on

Hey yo Drew, you know one of those 4 ladies is probably the one that gave the dude the chlamydia, so any like, shame or embarrassment while having the talk with them should be pretty much negated by the fact that there is a 25% chance in each talk that he is talking to the one that gave it to him, ya know?