Prominentt Games

I’m not even a “DC guy”, but I really think DC Universe is doing a great job of making comic book shows for comic book people. I love everything Marvel is doing , but it’s geared heavily mainstream. If DC can keep the good shows coming I’ll keep giving them money. Fingers crossed for Swamp Thing being as weird as Doom

Odds that Trump gets confused and angry about all of her “tear down these walls” talk?

That they continue to get away with treating discrimination as “the past,” especially down South, is a social crime. They are actively discriminating against their black and brown citizens today. They are doing the exact same things they did pre-Civil Rights Movement right now, but now insidiously hide behind the

I’d say that it’s better than Legends this season.

Exactly ! The 53% crew and them strike again. They vote race over gender every single time. They work so hard to screw us over even when it hurts them.

The cruelty is the point. Always. All women should be punished for any unwanted pregnancy, because to these pieces of shit it’s always the woman’s fault, even/especially if she’s raped.

You should. Many girls , especially if they are lesbians and /or butch, are pressured into becoming trans or else . I know one who transitioned at 14 and at 18 detrantitioned but her body is permanently modified , the t she took also caused her a heart condition . But she can not talk about that because she is called

One of my elementary school teachers made us write a letter to ourselves, about what things were currently like (late 90s). The teacher then mailed it to us about 15 years later. It was quite odd reading a letter from myself to myself, in my handwriting, that I completely forgot I had written. And also odd that I told

At least we’re 2 days deep and I don’t think America has had a mass shooting yet, so there’s that to hang onto.

Star Wars is a great example of why fans shouldn’t totally invest their lives and try to consume everything that comes out. Sooner or later things get cut out and the direction of the story changed. All the extra stuff is just there to make cheap objects for you to spend your hard earned cash.

I’m unnerved by modern nerddom’s preoccupation with the concept of canon. It’s an ill-fitting idea to try and weld onto fictional material. Given that all the materials continue to exist for free consumption, trying to wrangle the plot points of one storyline you enjoy into another narrative strikes me as needlessly

I loved that movie. I mean the giant ants are implausible and silly, but it had a bad ass female entomologist who only screamed once before grabbing a flamethrower, going down into the sewers of LA, being right about stuff, ordering men around like it ain’t no thang and kicking formian ass!