
Yeah, I was recalling that report to - think it appeared here (or at least in some variant anyway)... Kind of scary to think - if this is what they caught & they miss the vast majority of stuff brought on (on accident or on purpose).... What are we flying with?

OK, I apparently have mobile tech on the brain... I read "Printable Valentines Day Card..." as "Portable Valentines Day Card..." Trying to imagine a non-portable version... Must be like the Mayans or whoever it was who used 2 ton discs as currency...

"The part that blows my mind is that your heartbeat is so unique that that pattern never actually repeats. You will never get the same exact timing of beats twice."

HAHA! You basically read my mind... Though I was thinking of having your covers yanked off ala a Rube Goldberg machine before the shower alarm kicked on....

So if Disney is "not seeing any effect from these dollar-rentals on their sell-through business" is there a reason they believe delaying rentals by 28 (or any other amount) will in an effect of their sell-through business? I'm curious if those who have gone to a 28-day wait have noticed any increase in sales? I'd

Alright, I didn't think of addresses as being useful. Though, if you need to consult the phone book to see if there are any gun stores, hospitals, etc near by, its probably a safe bet you're not from around there (I'd assume you'd know the location of these places in your own home town). If your not familiar with

A few years ago I read that Blockbuster was looking into releasing kiosks that used SD cards instead of DVDs. Once you made your movie selection, you'd insert your SD card (or buy one from the kiosk) & it'd write the movie onto your card.

I think it might be a generational thing. Personally, like many here, I really don't see a need for the printed phone book. Its easy enough just to hop on & type in the name of the person/business I'm trying to find the phone number for — especially on my smart phone where I just click the phone number of

Except in a zombie apocalypse...

I read a story a few weeks ago about some recently discovered planet (I forget its designation, sorry) that is orbiting its sun so closely that the planet's surface is being boiled away. As it orbits, it has a comet like tail of vaporized rock & metal from its surface several thousand kilometers long that the solar

Humans don't change the mass of the planetary system because we don't change how much mass is within said system. Rather than heading into space to collect atoms, we get the materials we need to grow from stuff already on the planet. The cow that gave its life so I could have meatloaf last night was part of the

Are you sure about this? I updated from 1.3.12 to 1.3.13, and have uploaded over 700MBs, but I'm still where I was after the .12 5GB boost.... don't seem to be getting any more.... or do .avi files not count?


The 4.5GB is actually 5 - you get an initial 500MB for the first upload, plus an additional 4.5GBs for uploading a lot...

Good points....

Use iTunes to send some photos and/or videos (I believe it works with vids to) over to your iPod. Then have Dropbox import the files back to your computer & sync them with the account.

You should still be able to jump onto the beta test give-away.... Then you'll have 55GBs... And if you stop paying, you'll drop down to 7GBs instead of 2 (basic 2 + 5 free)... Plus any free credit you pick up from referrals, and other give aways.

I can't officially confirm, but the way I read it is they're only giving credit for uploading during the beta test. Once the stable release is out, you won't get any extra space for using the service.

Sweet! Thanks.... If he gets on tonight, I'll try to talk him through.... Though it may be a bit of a headache... he's not exactly the most tech advanced person you've ever met...

HAHA! Great! So that means I have to find ANOTHER 4.5GBs to upload.... Good thing I have unlimited bandwidth :D